Génie Hydro | Consulting en Ressources Hydriques

Hagoscon Logo : Une représentation stylisée du nom de l'entreprise, avec des couleurs vibrantes et un design moderne. Génie Hydro offre des services de consulting en génie hydrologique, gestion des ressources en eau, structures hydrauliques, et plus encore.
Genève, Suisse
09:00 - 17:00
+41 79 392 2970

HEC-RAS Analysis

Flooding can happen whenever flowing water surpasses its bank full stage and eventually inundate the surrounding adjacent areas. These may perhaps take place during the course of intense rainfalls and when a significant amount of snow melts. In conjunction with inundation, the increase of flow velocity may possibly erode and cause damage to fragile riverbanks...
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Construction de barrage

In 1997, a dam was commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) to be built at  Halhal village. The intention was to conserve water in order that the water can be utilized for irrigation purposes. Subsequently, the village farm can benefit directly from withdrawing water from the reservoir or from the replenished groundwater system. Read...
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